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BackgroundCopyCertificateStoreLocation Enumeration

Defines the location of the certificate store.

Namespace:  usis.Net.Bits
Assembly:  usis.Net.Bits (in usis.Net.Bits.dll) Version: (
public enum BackgroundCopyCertificateStoreLocation
  Member nameValueDescription
CurrentUser0 Use the current user's certificate store.
LocalMachine1 Use the local computer's certificate store.
CurrentService2 Use the current service's certificate store.
Services3 Use a specific service's certificate store.
Users4 Use a specific user's certificate store.
CurrentUserGroupPolicy5 Use the current user's group policy certificate store. In a network setting, stores in this location are downloaded to the client computer from the Group Policy Template (GPT) during computer startup or user logon.
LocalMachineGroupPolicy6 Use the local computer's certificate store. In a network setting, stores in this location are downloaded to the client computer from the Group Policy Template (GPT) during computer startup or user logon.
LocalMachineEnterprise7 Use the enterprise certificate store. The enterprise store is shared across domains in the enterprise and downloaded from the global enterprise directory.
See Also